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It's been going on for several years.

COVID-19, an infectious disease that has been going on for several years, has become a raging pandemic, and we are no longer able to take our daily lives for granted.

We no longer take our daily life for granted. We find that the way we interact with people and our daily lives have changed. 

Toward the after "COVID-19




What we can do




Tradewinds-Intl-Corp and Tradewinds-Multi-Link

Support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

The 17 goals are a very high hurdle, but as Tradewinds-Intl-Corp, we are always thinking about what we can do to help.

We are always thinking about what we can do to help.


We will continue to procure the highest quality materials in the industry for our customers.

Enrich the lives of people around the world

To make the earth a more comfortable place to live.



Even if it is a small group



We are a small group of people who share a common consciousness and communicate closely with each other.

We will continue to grow.








"We support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). "

White Structure

​Special Thanks


​ Thank you to everyone involved with us.

商社 トレードウインド Tradewind トレード SDGs 錦糸町 輸入 輸出 総合商社 機械、 トレードウインド Tradewind トレード SDGs 錦糸町 輸入 輸出 総合商社 機械、㈱Tradewinds Intl Corpはグルテンフリー食材はじめ食用油劣化抑制装置 防錆材各種 玩具 再生可能エネルギーなど様々な商品をグローバルに展開する総合商社です。 サウジアラビア フィリピン 日本 ベトナム インドネシア アラブ首長国連邦 マンゴー バナナ コーヒー 錦糸町 貿易


  WAJ  Kinshicho Building 5F, 4-15-8 Kotobashi,Sumida-ku,Tokyo,130-0022,Japan


□TEL: +81 (0) 35875-2888 

□FAX: +81 (0) 35875-2889 



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