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​ Greetings

We would like to thank our customers and business partners for their continued support.


In 2020, together with our partners, we established Tradewinds Intl Corp. with the belief  "for the pleasure of our customers".


As the name "Tradewinds" implies, we will continue to bring the best of Japan to the world and the best of the world to Japan through trade.


The world situation is becoming even more uncertain with the ongoing spread of the new coronavirus and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


We hear news that Japan, a beautiful country and a technological superpower, seems to have been overshadowed by the momentum of its neighboring countries. However, there are still many advanced and delicate techniques, artisan skills, and safe and reliable food products in Japan.


I believe that a new business model for the future will be to change our way of thinking in light of the changing world and to pursue a broad-based contribution to a better society.


Our job is to build good relationships with every stakeholder in a holistic manner and strive for the joy of people all over the world.



We at Tradewinds Intl Corp. are committed to the SDGs and will continue to grow in compliance.



We look forward to your continued support.

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​ Miyazaki Kenta

商社 トレードウインド Tradewind トレード SDGs 錦糸町 輸入 輸出 総合商社 機械、 トレードウインド Tradewind トレード SDGs 錦糸町 輸入 輸出 総合商社 機械、㈱Tradewinds Intl Corpはグルテンフリー食材はじめ食用油劣化抑制装置 防錆材各種 玩具 再生可能エネルギーなど様々な商品をグローバルに展開する総合商社です。 サウジアラビア フィリピン 日本 ベトナム インドネシア アラブ首長国連邦 マンゴー バナナ コーヒー 錦糸町 貿易


  WAJ  Kinshicho Building 5F, 4-15-8 Kotobashi,Sumida-ku,Tokyo,130-0022,Japan


□TEL: +81 (0) 35875-2888 

□FAX: +81 (0) 35875-2889 



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